Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I found a solution!

Ok, everybody! Thanks to my awesome iPhone I found a Blogger app! I am currently blogging from my phone! This might help with my frequency of blogging!

The "Once a Month Trend"

     Apparently, I tend to blog once a month, lately.  So I decided I better go ahead and blog for February before it is over!  Hehe...
     I always forget that I love blogging.  I think my biggest problem is thinking of things to write about.  And when I do, I'm not near a computer.  Another reason to start religiously making lists and notes!  I'll get the hang of it... someday!
     On that note, I do have something to talk about today, or maybe just ponder.  I was listening to Matt Chandler the other day, and he was talking about different things in his life that tender his affections to the Lord.  His was a cup of good coffee and old books.  This surprised me because I thought he would say something like seeing someone get baptized or his kids telling him about what they learned in Sunday school.  Which are both wonderful things, but they are things that probably tender everyone's affections for our CreaTOR.
   What tenders your affections to your Heavenly Father?
Not to copy, but honestly a good cup of coffee or tea, and long walks are what makes my heart beat faster thinking of Him, and how beautiful He is...