Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day Three!

     Alright party people! We are on day three! Now, I had trouble finding something new to do today.  Which gave me anxiety because it is only day three and I was already having a brain block.  I had an idea in mind, then decided it was too boring to blog about, then decided to stick with it.  As boring as it is.
    Drum roll please... I started a BUDGET! (See, told you it was boring...)  I recently started cleaning the church, just for some extra cash and to learn some discipline.  We always clean in pairs and last night I was with my friend Kristen. Somehow we got to the subject of finances.  After a long discussion and guidance from Kristen (you go girl) I decided to start a budget of my own.  Even though I am not making car payments, house payments, or insurance payments yet I thought it would be a good idea to teach myself NOW and at least be prepared (maybe not ahead of the game... but at least PREPARED) for what is to come sooner or later in my life.  Kristen told me just a few basic principles she learned through Financial Peace University (shout out to Dave Ramsey).
     Basically, it goes like this: Give a third, Spend and third, and Save a third.  Pretty simple. So, today I bought a tiny composition notebook and wrote out my budget! I am starting with just the thirds for now, then going into more detail later! I prayed about it before I did it.  I want God to teach me how to do this properly and really treasure the gifts He has blessed me with.  I know with His help and with confidence in Him (not myself) we will succeed!
     As boring as it may be, it is certainly something new to me.  Honestly it is a little embarrassing to admit that I have never done this before, BUT better late than never!

     Hope everybody's week has been a fruitful one! Keep going! Only one more day until the weekend!!


  1. Olivia! I LOVE budgeting! I also think Dave Ramsey is very wise and I'm glad you're starting early because there are so many people who start taking care of their finances when it's too late.

  2. Awesome! If you have any tips let me know!! Yes, it is good to start early!
