Tuesday, November 1, 2011


     Randomly this morning while I started doing laundry (which, due to major procrastination on my part, is still in the works as I type... will I ever get things done ahead of time?? hehe) an idea popped into my head.  I got so excited about it I have to tell y'all! I'm in a Paula Deen mood I guess? Anyway, I have decided that November is going to be the month of trying new things! Hence, NEWvember!
     Here is the challenge, try one new thing every day in November.  This is what I vow, I will try something new everyday this month.  I also vow to blog about it EVERY DAY. So, I count on you guys to keep me on track! Also, if you have any fun ideas for me to do let me know!           To go into more detail I plan on doing anything that does not require money or far travel.  For example, yesterday I made pumpkin bread, I had never made an actual bread before that involved yeast and waiting hours (literally hours) for it to rise.  It inspired me and I want to keep going with it!
     Please join me if you want and let me know what kind of new things you are trying! Maybe just once a week? Twice a week? Or everyday!
     Learning new things and trying new things can be a huge character building block, I believe at least.  OH! I am oh so so excited! This is going to be fun!!!
Happy Newvember!!!!!!!!!

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