Monday, September 26, 2011

My latest installment...


So... I may be joining the movement a little late but better late than never, right?
For those of you not in-the-know, TOMS is a company that makes simple shoes for anyone to buy, they are comfortable and cute, but here is the catch... For every pair of TOMS shoes bought another pair is given to a child in need of shoes!!! Seriously one of the coolest thing I have heard of.  Although I heard about it years and years ago I never got myself to buy a pair. I would see them at a dept. store or in a little outlet in the mall, but it just felt weird to buy them at the mall.  It didn't seem to have the same effect, I don't know why I felt this way, don't ask.  So, last week I went to the official TOMS website and bought a pair for myself and a pair for my Mommy's birthday! ( She has been itching to get a pair as well...) They came today! I was so excited, I have been wearing them around the house all day! I know I will never know who gets the other pair of shoes, but somehow I feel a connection to whoever will receive them.  I hope that they understand it is a gift from God, not some random girl in Delaware, OH.
Here is the link to the TOMS website, if anything just look at it, the mission is cool.

1 comment:

  1. Show us your feet!!!! Nathan has three pairs of TOMS -- they're the only shoes he'll buy. :)
